Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Chinese city uses modern technology for cars that other countries want to buy

Car Park Technology is not a new technology, but this technology in Shenzhen has been developed by a specialist firm YeeFung, China, to a higher level (third-generation used by Robot) announced in 2017.

The technology of YeeFung Automation Technology is unique to companies in other countries like Russia, the United States, Singapore, and other European countries have yet to launch. Yeung Senior Vice President Wu Hao said that the company is now developing further on this technology by remote control. Through the mobile app. When you are about to leave the building for 15 minutes, the system will get you ready to leave the parking lot The floor you stay at once. He added that the project was being invested by Russian investors in Moscow Also.

Easy examples from Car Park Technology Step 3: You just drive into the parking lot and then take the scanning card The flat robot as much as the car's size comes in and gets to the parking lot. It takes less time and right parking.

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