Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A girl straightforwardly tells you how much video has 1 million views on YouTube

An account called Shelby Church has created a new video to unravel some of the audience's questions that a YouTube video has you. One million views can earn a lot of dollars.

The account above said that 1 million times per video earned between $500 and $10,000 The average is about $2,000. This is for videos with a minimum length of 10 minutes with a valid Monetize.

Shelby later released her video footage, a video titled "Gymnastics Then VS Now" 1.3 million times, earning $2,053.

Shelby has posted a video of 2.2 million times. You understand that the video can generate more than $4,000 in revenue because of the above video. But in fact, it can only earn $743.

The reason is because of a video with 2.2 million views of length and a single billboard. Besides, most visits are outside of the United States, with revenue from different visits to each location Play.

The same account holder also revealed how to make a video more profitable. That's the production of a long-length video in 10 minutes. The video shows a video of 10 minutes in length, about 370 times, but is worth $3,015.

This shows that making money on YouTube does not matter how much it hits, it's up to you Over time, watch your video, the length of the video and the source of the video. Want to know the details of the video below:

Please comment below if you any idea with her video:

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