Friday, July 19, 2019

The real story of a man who created a famous Facebook event related to the US secretive

Area 51, located in a remote area of Nevada, USA. The site is where the US tests and manufactures its warplanes publicly announced in 2013 but the year of establishment. Area 51 is the most famous and mysterious place in the United States.

It is suspected that the US government has a secret relationship with aliens and test the UFOs in the region. It is often reported that the area is often seen flying. In 1989, Bob Lazar, who had previously worked on Area 51. They said collaborated in the development of a microwave oven.

This suspicion has lasted a long time, but recently there has been an explosion of interest with a person named 'Matty Roberts' created an event on Facebook, "Storm Area 51, They can not stop all of Us" attracting more than one million people. This episode is just joking, and he does not expect to be famous for this class.

Area 51 has strict 24-hour shuttles. People can not enter, even photography is not allowed if they are caught. Have been fined $1,000 or imprisoned for six months or apply both of them at the same time.

Do you believe this really secret of the USA or not for that area? please comment below:

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