Thursday, July 18, 2019

Three films show the future of the world

Now imagine you are up on July 7, 2050. How will the world of that day be? How much will your life be different now? Fewer humans can marry robots? or can ordinary people sign up to Mars?

 If you're wondering how the future of the world will be like ours, you can watch these three films that may or may not happen (even if it happens, do not be nervous, because in only movies Only one thing ends with sadness.

Related: The new Spider-Man episode will air on the internet for up to two days

Movie 1: Ex Machina 

Ex Machina ready to live with a robot that looks very human! tell you a few things, then, maybe there is no day when people are ready to open their hearts to receive hundreds of robots! So watch this, and maybe you'll be scared to hurt people.

Movie 2: Arrival

Look at the sky, see the spacecraft floating in the air, and you wonder if they are coming in peacefully or wanting to fight the world? Hopefully, people will be able to communicate and collaborate with these aliens in peace, because otherwise. Tell you a little bit about the role of this story, how to convince others to be peacemakers, because some want to target weapons to those newcomers, not to mention correctly.

Movie 3: Interstellar

In the future, because the atmosphere is too polluted, humans can no longer breathe. So a group of people has to go to explore the planets to find a place where people can live. Tell you a little while ago, the fact that going to explore another planet for help may not help themselves when there is a story.


Please comment below if you think those films show us about the future!!

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